Sastojci (za kalup promjera 26 cm):
donji dio
200 g badema
3/4 šalice sjemenki suncokreta
150 g datulja bez koštica
4-5 žlica Amaretta
1 žlica mljevene kave
1 žlica kakaa
1 i 1/2 šalice prosene kaše
3 šalice biljnog mlijeka s okusom vanilije
prstohvat soli
2 kokosova mlijeka od 400 ml (samo tvrdi dio)
1 žličica arome od vanilije
cca. 150-200 ml sirupa od agave
sok od 1/2 limuna
+ 3 žlice instant kave i 3 žlice karube za pokrivanje vrha kolača
- Datulje zalijte vrelom vodom i pustite cca. 15 minuta da omekšaju.
- Sve sastojke za donji dio stavite u blender i izmiksajte u ljepljivu smjesu.
- Smjesu stavite na dno kalupa za tortu, pritisnite i izravnajte i sve zajedno stavite u hladnjak.
- Kokosovo mlijeko pustite u hladnjaku preko noći da se odvoji voda od tvrdog dijela.
- Prosenu kašu skuhajte u biljnom mlijeku uz prstohvat soli.
- Pustite da se kaša kratko ohladi. Stavite je u blender, dodajte ostale sastojke i izmiksajte u glatku kremastu smjesu.
- Smjesu stavite u kalup i zatim u hladnjak da se stvrdne i ohladi.
- Vrh torte pospite smrvljenom instant kavom izmiješanom s karubom.
Dobar tek!
Ingredients (for cake form with diameter of 26 cm):
for base
200 g of almonds
3/4 glass of sunflower seeds
150 g of dates without seeds
4-5 tbsp of Amaretto
1 tbsp of ground coffee
1 tbsp of cocoa
for cream
1 and 1/2 glasses of dry millet
3 glasses of vanilla flavoured plant milk
pinch of salt
2 pcs. 400 ml cans of coconut milkk (only the solid part - leave the cans in the fridge overnight)
1 tsp of vanilla extract
cca. 150-200 ml of agave sirup
juice from 1/2 a lemon
+ 3 tbsp of instant coffee and 3 tbsp of carob for topping
- Cover the dates with hot water and leave for cca. 15 minutes to soften.
- Put all the ingredients for the base into food processor and blend them into a sticky dough.
- Put the dough on the bottom of the form, even it out with your hand or a spoon and put the form into the refrigerator.
- Cook the millet in the milk along with a pinch of salt.
- Leave the millet to cool down a bit and then put it in the food processor blender, add all the other ingredients for the cream and blend until it smooth and creamy.
- Transfer the cream into the form and put it in the refrigerator until it cools down and hardens.
- Mix the instant coffee with carob and cover the top of the cake.
Izvor/Source: Vegenerat biegowy
Fotke/Photos: Michael Wende/Bobasy Inc.
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