nedjelja, 4. rujna 2016.

Voćna torta od kokosovog mlijeka / Coconut milk fruit cake

Sastojci (za kalup promjera 24 cm):

za donji dio:
1 šalica indijskih oraščića
1 šalica sjemenki suncokreta
2 šalice kokosovog brašna
prstohvat soli
1 vrhom puna žlica kokosovog ulja
sirup od agave po želji

za gornji dio:
2 limenke kokosovog mlijeka (2 x 400 ml)
sok od 1,5 limuna
3/4 šalice šećera u prahu
4 žličice agar-agar-a
voće po želji: zeleno i crno grožđe, maline, borovnice, jagode, breskve ili mango narezani na kriške

  1. Indijske oraščiće zalijte vrućom vodom i pustite da odstoje 30 minuta.
  2. Sve sastojke za donji dio stavite u blender i dobro izmiksajte dok ne dobijete ljepljivu smjesu.
  3. Smjesu stavite na dno kalupa za torte, pritisnite rukom i izravnajte. Kalup stavite u hladnjak.
  4. Kokosovo mlijeko, sok od limuna i šećer u prahu stavite u lonac i počnite ih grijati.
  5. Agar-agar rastopite u malo vode te dodajte u lonac s mlijekom kad mlijeko zakuha. Kuhajte na tihoj vatri cca. 2-3 minute. Pustite mlijeko da se malo ohladi. Povremeno miješajte.
  6. Voće operite i stavite na dno kalupa. Dodajte mlijeko u kalup, pustite sa strane da se još malo ohladi i prebacite u hladnjak na ca. 2-3 sata.
  7. Kolač možete ukrasiti listovima mente ili melise.

Dobar tek! :-)

Ingredients (for the 24 cm diameter form):

for the base:
1 cup of cashew
1 cup of sunflower seeds
2 cups of shredded coconut

pinch of salt
1 heaped tbsp of coconut oil
agave sirup to taste

for the upper part:
2 cans of coconut milk (2 x 400 ml)
juice of 1,5 lemon
3/4 cup of confectioners sugar
4 tsp of agar-agar
fruit of choice: green and black grapes, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, peaches or mango cut into pieces

  1. Cover the chashews with hot water and leave aside for 30 minutes.
  2. Place all the ingredients for the base into the blender and mix well until it until it becomes sticky.
  3. Transfer the mixture into the form, press with your hand and even out. Place the form into the refrigerator.
  4. Put the coconut milk, lemon juice and sugar into a pot and start the heat.
  5. Melt the agar-agar in small amount of water and add it to the milk when the milk starts to boil. Boil for cca. 2-3 minutes. Leave the milk to cool down a bit and stir it from time to time.
  6. Wash the fruit and place it in the form. Add the milk, leave aside to cool down a bit more. Transfer the form into the refrigerator for ca. 2-3 hours.
  7. You can decorate the cake with some mint or melissa leaves.

Enjoy! :-)

Izvor/Source: Vegenerat Biegowy

subota, 3. rujna 2016.

Marinirani patlidžan s algama / Eggplant marinated with algae


3 patlidžana
3 velika luka
10-20 g alga wakame

  1. Patlidžan narežite na kriške debljine pola centimetra. Posolite i pustite da odstoji cca. 10 minuta.
  2. Wakame zalijte s malo vode da omekšaju.
  3. Patlidžan spržite na tavi dok ne omekša.
  4. Luk narežite na tanke trake.
  5. U staklenku stavite slojeve patlidžana, luka i wakame.
  6. Izmiješajte ocat i vodu u proporciji 1:1 te stavite u staklenku i pustite tako 30 minuta.
  7. Izlijte vodu s octom i dodajte ulje dok ne pokrije svo povrće.
  8. Čuvajte u hladnjaku.

Dobar tek! :-)


3 eggplants
3 large onions
10-20 g wakame
cooking oil

  1. Cut the eggplants into 0,5 cm thick slices. Cover it with salt and leave aside ca. for 10 minutes.
  2. Cover wakame with some water so it softens.
  3. Fry the eggplants until soft.
  4. Slice the onions into thin stripes.
  5. Put layers of the eggplants, onion and wakame into a glass jar.
  6. Mix vinegar and water in proportions 1:1 and add the mixture into the jar. Leave aside for 30 minutes.
  7. Pour out the water with vinegar and add oil so it covers all the vegetables.
  8. Keep in the refrigerator.

Enjoy! :-)

Izvor/Source: Polykaj z Surri